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lundi 11 avril 2011

Spring Cleaning!

La version Française sera publier la semaine prochaine!

Ahhhh…spring has finally sprung and as you pick yourself up and dust yourself off after what has seemed like a very long and cold winter, let us remind you that the spring and fall equinoxes are perfect times to detoxify mind and body!

We often think of spring cleaning our houses around this time of year but why not choose to spend a little time on you as well? Even if all you do is increase your water intake throughout the day (aim for 8-10 glasses) your body will begin flushing out all the excess toxins. Remove the coffee and refined sugars and get out for a short walk every day and you’ll be well on your way to a cleaner body – not to mention clearer skin and more energy!

For those of you who are feeling more adventurous, you might decide to embark on a juice cleanse over a few days or a week. A juice cleanse gives your digestive system a much needed break and the opportunity to begin working on some of the backlog of toxins you’ve ingested over the years!  You can always contact us if you’d like more information or guidance on how to proceed with this.

Here’s a nice smoothie recipe for inspiration!

Cinnamon Pear Smoothie
2 pears, peeled and cored
½ cup orange juice
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy!

Sandra Power, RHN, NNCP
Consultante en nutrition holistique

À Notre-Dame-de-Grâce: Centre de Santé Holistique BELARÔME Holistic Health Centre, 6100 Ave. Monkland # 200
À Saint-Lambert: Centre Kinesis, 655 Ave. Victoria
Cellulaire: (514) 919-0113

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